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Tronex World
Tronex World
Added: Dec 07,2020 09:55
Closed: Dec 16,2020 [9 days]
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Plans: +1% EVERY 24 HOURS (+0.0416% HOURLY), Total income: 200%...
Min deposit: $100 TRX
Max deposit: $∞
Referral: 4%-2%-1%-0.5%
Withdrawal: Instant
230 views [1 click] Reviews: 000
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+ HyipCruiser 38
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16 Dec 2020
$120 23%
27.6 USD
11 Dec 2020
3 years ago
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07 Dec 2020
3 years ago


Here's what it says on the website:

We provide investment conditions with growing percentage, depending on basic interest rate, smart-contract total balance bonus and personal "hold-bonus". Maximal available profit:+200% per every deposit We are the officially registered company with team of trusted professionals on blockchain market. We are working 24/7 to increase platform popularity and make it truly worldwide.Join us and get your profit! TRONex smart-contract calculate profit up to every deposit since the date it was made. Every hour you will get +0.0416%, every day +1%. Smart-contract calculates hold-bonus from your deposit, or last withdraw date. If you did not request payment, it will charge you an additional bonus. After 24 hours +0.1%, after 48 hours +0.2%, after 72 hours +0.3% and so on. contract TRONexWorld { using SafeMath for uint; uint constant public DEPOSITS_MAX = 100; uint constant public INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT = 100 trx; uint constant public BASE_PERCENT = 100; uint[] public REFERRAL_PERCENTS = [400, 200, 100, 50, 50, 50, 50, uint constant public MARKETING_FEE = 800; uint constant public PROJECT_FEE = 200; uint constant public MAX_CONTRACT_PERCENT = 1000; uint constant public MAX_HOLD_PERCENT = 500; uint constant public PERCENTS_DIVIDER = 10000; uint constant public CONTRACT_BALANCE_STEP = 1000000 trx; uint constant public TIME_STEP = 1 days; uint[] public DAY_LIMIT_STEPS = [100000 trx, 200000 trx, 500000 trx, 1000000 trx, 2000000 trx]; uint public totalDeposits; uint public totalInvested; uint public totalWithdrawn; uint public contractPercent; uint public contractCreation; address payable public marketingAddress; address payable public projectAddress; struct Deposit { uint64 amount; uint64 withdrawn; uint64 refback; uint32 start; struct User { Deposit[] deposits; uint32 checkpoint; address referrer; uint64 bonus; uint24[10] refs; uint16 rbackPercent; mapping (address => User) internal users; mapping (uint => uint) internal turnover; event Newbie(address user); event NewDeposit(address indexed user, uint amount); event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint amount); event RefBonus(address indexed referrer, address indexed referral, uint indexed level, uint amount); event RefBack(address indexed referrer, address indexed referral, uint amount); event FeePayed(address indexed user, uint totalAmount); constructor(address payable marketingAddr, address payable projectAddr) public { require(!isContract(marketingAddr) && !isContract(projectAddr)); marketingAddress = marketingAddr; projectAddress = projectAddr; contractCreation = block.timestamp; contractPercent = getContractBalanceRate(); function invest(address referrer) public payable { require(!isContract(msg.sender) && msg.sender == tx.origin); require(msg.value >= INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT, "Minimum deposit amount 100 TRX"); require(user.deposits.length < DEPOSITS_MAX, "Maximum 100 deposits from address"); uint availableLimit = getCurrentHalfDayAvailable(); require(availableLimit > 0, "Deposit limit exceed"); if (msgValue > availableLimit) { msg.sender.transfer(msgValue.sub(availableLimit)); msgValue = availableLimit; uint halfDayTurnover = turnover[getCurrentHalfDay()]; uint halfDayLimit = getCurrentDayLimit(); if (INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT.add(msgValue).add(halfDayTurnover) < halfDayLimit) { turnover[getCurrentHalfDay()] = halfDayTurnover.add(msgValue); } else { turnover[getCurrentHalfDay()] = halfDayLimit; uint marketingFee = msgValue.mul(MARKETING_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER); uint projectFee = msgValue.mul(PROJECT_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER); marketingAddress.transfer(marketingFee); projectAddress.transfer(projectFee); if (user.referrer == address(0) && users[referrer].deposits.length > 0 && referrer != msg.sender) { user.referrer = referrer; uint refbackAmount; if (user.referrer != address(0)) { address upline = user.referrer; for (uint i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (upline != address(0)) { uint amount = msgValue.mul(REFERRAL_PERCENTS[i]).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER); if (i == 0 && users[upline].rbackPercent > 0) { refbackAmount = amount.mul(uint(users[upline].rbackPercent)).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER); msg.sender.transfer(refbackAmount); if (amount > 0) { address(uint160(upline)).transfer(amount); users[upline].bonus = uint64(uint(users[upline].bonus).add(amount)); users[upline].refs[i]++; upline = users[upline].referrer; } else break; if (user.deposits.length == 0) { user.checkpoint = uint32(block.timestamp); emit Newbie(msg.sender); user.deposits.push(Deposit(uint64(msgValue), 0, uint64(refbackAmount), uint32(block.timestamp))); totalInvested = totalInvested.add(msgValue); totalDeposits++; uint contractPercentNew = getContractBalanceRate(); if (contractPercentNew > contractPercent) { contractPercent = contractPercentNew; function withdraw() public { User storage user = users[msg.sender]; uint totalAmount; uint dividends; if (uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn) < uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(2)) { dividends = (uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(uint(user.deposits[i].start))) .div(TIME_STEP); dividends = (uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(uint(user.checkpoint))) .div(TIME_STEP); if (uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn).add(dividends) > uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(2)) { dividends = (uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(2)).sub(uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn)); user.deposits[i].withdrawn = uint64(uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn).add(dividends)); /// changing of storage data totalAmount = totalAmount.add(dividends); uint contractBalance = address(this).balance; if (contractBalance < totalAmount) { totalAmount = contractBalance; function setRefback(uint16 rbackPercent) public { require(rbackPercent <= 10000); if (user.deposits.length > 0) { user.rbackPercent = rbackPercent; function getContractBalance() public view returns (uint) { return address(this).balance; function getContractBalanceRate() internal view returns (uint) { uint contractBalance = address(this).balance; uint contractBalancePercent = BASE_PERCENT.add(contractBalance.div(CONTRACT_BALANCE_STEP).mul(5)); if (contractBalancePercent < BASE_PERCENT.add(MAX_CONTRACT_PERCENT)) { return contractBalancePercent; } else { return BASE_PERCENT.add(MAX_CONTRACT_PERCENT); function getUserPercentRate(address userAddress) public view returns (uint) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; if (isActive(userAddress)) { uint timeMultiplier = (block.timestamp.sub(uint(user.checkpoint))).div(TIME_STEP.div(2)).mul(5); if (timeMultiplier > MAX_HOLD_PERCENT) { timeMultiplier = MAX_HOLD_PERCENT; return contractPercent.add(timeMultiplier); } else { return contractPercent; function getUserAvailable(address userAddress) public view returns (uint) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; uint totalDividends; uint dividends; if (uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn) < uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(2)) { dividends = (uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(uint(user.deposits[i].start))) .div(TIME_STEP); dividends = (uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(uint(user.checkpoint))) .div(TIME_STEP); if (uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn).add(dividends) > uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(2)) { dividends = (uint(user.deposits[i].amount).mul(2)).sub(uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn)); function isActive(address userAddress) public view returns (bool) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; return (user.deposits.length > 0) && uint(user.deposits[user.deposits.length-1].withdrawn) < uint(user.deposits[user.deposits.length-1].amount).mul(2); function getUserAmountOfDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns (uint) { return users[userAddress].deposits.length; function getUserTotalDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns (uint) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; for (uint i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) { amount = amount.add(uint(user.deposits[i].amount)); function getUserTotalWithdrawn(address userAddress) public view returns (uint) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; for (uint i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) { amount = amount.add(uint(user.deposits[i].withdrawn)).add(uint(user.deposits[i].refback)); function getCurrentHalfDay() public view returns (uint) { return (block.timestamp.sub(contractCreation)).div(TIME_STEP.div(2)); function getCurrentDayLimit() public view returns (uint) { uint limit; uint currentDay = (block.timestamp.sub(contractCreation)).div(TIME_STEP); if (currentDay == 0) { limit = DAY_LIMIT_STEPS[0]; } else if (currentDay == 1) { limit = DAY_LIMIT_STEPS[1]; } else if (currentDay >= 2 && currentDay <= 5) { limit = DAY_LIMIT_STEPS[1].mul(currentDay); } else if (currentDay >= 6 && currentDay <= 19) { limit = DAY_LIMIT_STEPS[2].mul(currentDay.sub(3)); } else if (currentDay >= 20 && currentDay <= 49) { limit = DAY_LIMIT_STEPS[3].mul(currentDay.sub(11)); } else if (currentDay >= 50) { limit = DAY_LIMIT_STEPS[4].mul(currentDay.sub(30)); function getCurrentHalfDayTurnover() public view returns (uint) { return turnover[getCurrentHalfDay()]; function getCurrentHalfDayAvailable() public view returns (uint) { return getCurrentDayLimit().sub(getCurrentHalfDayTurnover()); function getUserDeposits(address userAddress, uint last, uint first) public view returns (uint[] memory, uint[] memory, uint[] memory, uint[] memory) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; uint count = first.sub(last); if (count > user.deposits.length) { count = user.deposits.length; uint[] memory amount = new uint[](count); uint[] memory withdrawn = new uint[](count); uint[] memory refback = new uint[](count); uint[] memory start = new uint[](count); uint index = 0; for (uint i = first; i > last; i--) { amount[index] = uint(user.deposits[i-1].amount); withdrawn[index] = uint(user.deposits[i-1].withdrawn); refback[index] = uint(user.deposits[i-1].refback); start[index] = uint(user.deposits[i-1].start); index++; function getSiteStats() public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint) { return (totalInvested, totalDeposits, address(this).balance, contractPercent, getCurrentHalfDayAvailable()); function getUserStats(address userAddress) public view returns (uint, uint, uint, uint, uint) { uint userPerc = getUserPercentRate(userAddress); uint userAvailable = getUserAvailable(userAddress); uint userDepsTotal = getUserTotalDeposits(userAddress); uint userDeposits = getUserAmountOfDeposits(userAddress); uint userWithdrawn = getUserTotalWithdrawn(userAddress); return (userPerc, userAvailable, userDepsTotal, userDeposits, userWithdrawn); function getUserReferralsStats(address userAddress) public view returns (address, uint64, uint64, uint64, uint24[10] memory) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; return (user.referrer, user.rbackPercent, users[user.referrer].rbackPercent, user.bonus, user.refs); function isContract(address addr) internal view returns (bool) { uint size; assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) } return size > 0; function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); uint256 c = a - b; function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero"); uint256 c = a / b; Click Withdraw button, and you will get instantly all your deposits earnings with a single transaction. Your personal hold-bonus will be reseted. You should have at least 3-5 TRX on your wallet balance for blockchain commission. <a href=""><img src="" width="125" height="125" alt="Tronex World | Get +200% up to your deposit right now. Safe and legit!"></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="468" height="60" alt="Tronex World | Get +200% up to your deposit right now. Safe and legit!"></a> <a href=""><img src="" width="728" height="90" alt="Tronex World | Get +200% up to your deposit right now. Safe and legit!"></a>.
Tronex Worldreviews uint constant public deposits_mauint constant public invest_min_amount =wallet automatically referral rewards worksuint constant public contract_balance_step =uint constant public project_fee =uint constant public base_percent =uint constant public time_step =uint constant public percents_divider =uint[] public day_limit_steps = [user storage user = users[useraddress]limit = day_limit_steps[4]limit = day_limit_steps[user storage user = users[msguint constant public madeposit worldwide legal companyview function function isactivetotal deposits daily limitscontract total balance bonusuint contractbalancepercent = base_percentpublic view returnsofficially registered company= invest_min_amountinvest_min_amountprovide investment conditionsbasic interest rateincrease platform popularitystorage data requireinternal view returnsinternal pure returnssafemath: addition overflowsafemath: subtraction overflowsafemath: multiplication overflowdeposit limit exceedclick withdraw buttonaddress indexed referralrequest withdraw requestcontract_balance_stepaddress payable marketingaddraddress payable projectaddrcontract calculates holdrisks unlimited earningsuint indexed levelcontract calculate profitreturn base_percentinstantly request withdrawaddress indexed referreraddress indexed userreturn turnover[getcurrenthalfdayminimum deposit amountproject_feepublic payablerefback[index] = uintstart[index] = uintamount[index] = uintuint[] memory refback =daily limitsinternal usersuint contractbalance = addressuint[] memory start =uint[] memory amount =address upline = useruint projectfee = msgvalueuint marketingfee = msgvaluebase_percentfunction investwithdrawn[index] = uintuint limituint amount = msgvaluereferral_percents[uint availablelimit = getcurrenthalfdayavailableuint[] memory withdrawn =_contract_percent =_contract_percentinternal turnovertime_stepusers[referrer]users[userusers[upline]marketing_feewallet balancecontract auditionscontract checkaddress useraddressrequest paymentsafemath: divisionfunction withdrawaffiliate rewards:4%percents_dividerfunction getcurrenthalfday_hold_percent_hold_percent = 5return contractbalancepercenttimemultiplier = macurrent balanceaddress addruint index =function getuseravailablefunction getcontractbalancefunction getusertotaldepositsfunction getusertotalwithdrawnfunction getcurrentdaylimitfunction getcurrenthalfdayavailablefunction getcontractbalanceratefunction getuseramountofdepositsfunction getsitestatsfunction getuserpercentratefunction getuserstatsfunction getuserreferralsstatsfunction getuserdepositswithdraw dateuint[] memoryaddress referrerreturn addressreferrer == addressblockchain commissiontrusted professionalsgrowing percentageemit feepayedemit refbackemit refbonusgrowing rateshttps://tronexevent newdepositevent refbonusactivated walletsreset holdsingle transactionimg src=event newbieevent refbackevent feepayedblockchain marketaddress usercontractbalancepercent <msgvalue = availablelimitreturn getcurrentdaylimitwallet depositsaddress =>uint sizeuint totalamountuint timemultiplier =deposits_maamount = amountworld/img/world/img/7world/img/46tronex worldfunction iscontractfunction getcurrenthalfdayturnoverpublicuint amounttimemultiplier >totalamount >msgvalue >professional teampersonal holduint currentday =start >event withdrawnavailablelimit >tronex smartuint =>function addcount = usercurrentday >function divfunction muluint count =5m trsender == txrefbackamount = amountadditional bonusdeposits[userdeposits earningscount >currentday <bonus = uint64length >rbackpercent >contractpercent <rewardswithdrawn = uint64length <worldwideindex++walletmabalance] memoryaddress= addressfunctionmsgvaluegetcurrenthalfdayavailableinstantlymarketingfeerefbackholdcontractbalance= msgprojectfeemsgstartamountavailablelimitreferrerdepositreturnreferrer]useruplineearningsuintuint[]4 dayday6 day54 day55 day7 day5 dayday +profitworld/currentdayprofit:+bonus>contractpercentpersonaladditional +getcurrenthalfdayturnoverteamiscontractdatecountwithdrawnuint64lengthdeposits[depositsrbackpercentsmartrefbackamount<requiretr5 trsendersender]adddivmul

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Registrar : NameSilo, LLC

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Created :2020-08-10
Expires :2021-08-10
Updated :2020-10-13

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