This «RiskRank» metric is a general litmus test for the quality of the «8bit» HYIP took in its entirety, defined by many specifications. Below is a detailed analysis and review of and the results from 0 to 10 points. good quality signs
Good hosting ensures the proper response level and excellent website access;
The website content is unique;
IP address not used by other HYIPs; poor signs
Free SSL without a confidence guarantee;
Not listed on trusted HYIP monitors;
5.1 - 7.5 These HYIPs are listed on the top trustworthy monitors and contain unique website content and design. These projects are may worthy of your attention. Most website in a group has an SSL and, may host on dedicated servers and IP address generally not used in other projects.
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Bob Johnson
7233 votes 3 years ago
Profit Hunters
Vozvrat Dep.
Amount of 870.43 TRX BlockIO e-wallet on 2021-08-19 16:35:03 (8bit server time), batch no. f782bcf40decaeec0ec68fa34ab8db133e6acbcd6fb1a60e4e60f7cae144f663.
Инвестирую с Profit-Hunters.
Жанна vfhmirf
3707 votes 4 years ago
Profit Hunters
Amount of 50 DOGE was transferred to your e-wallet on 2020-04-25 18:15:32 (8bit server time), batch no. 8db357b95904376cc79e8db49a25183445ad3de59fd6823e26aa45c7a45. Инвестирую с Profit-Hunters.
Жанна vfhmirf
3707 votes 4 years ago
Profit Hunters
Date: April 24, 2020 1:29 PM
Confirmations: 12
Sent: 12300 DOGE
Fee: 5 DOGE
Transaction ID: 59379fb6668254cd3dde47c269012db0ddf72a15e0e5af99efe0577a74c28a59 Инвестирую с Profit-Hunters.
Here's what it says on the website:
Bulletproof registrar and hosting
Serious protection DdoS-attacks
Hourly data backup
SSL - certificate
So, we start our project and we will double each your deposit for 24 hours, that's as simple as that.
Many of us earn money on the Internet. We do it particularly in the HYIP projects. We are tired of waiting profit, be nervous, unable to sleep at night, frequently update web pages of the project and linked with project threads on the forums. All of them made to whip up: tiresome design and sad plans. All of them promise us a 10-20% profit per day and doubling the deposit for 5 days. Most of them don’t work even 3 days. Every doubler was giving to us great chance to earn by completing even single deposit (reinvesting was giving to us chance to earn more and more, and more). So, We want bring back the time and to reborn opportunity well earning!It’s very simple - average daily profit of Internet projects increases with each new month. If the rate in April was 10.5% in the day, then now it is 15-20%, and no limit here.We are going ahead of other projects and can offer you a 100% profit in 24 hours already right now!Almost all of us want have a look on project, to think about earning strategy, to weigh the pros and cons before decide to participate. Usually it can take at least several hours. Therefore, we decided to do a short pre-launch time to give you the opportunity to get used to the project. So, now you can safely create your account in the payment system and join us in first minutes of start of our project.Everything is simple. We believe that participation on our project is not more risky than participation in projects that promise to double your contribution for a week. Just with us, you will earn a lot faster and it decreases your risks in times!We want to say thank you to our users for participation and prepared nice referal bonus.First of all - start the project! We hope that you will be active participants while we contact with HYIP monitors (first 12-16 hours). Then many new users will come to us from HYIP monitors and will take participation in this project (next 24-48 hours). In the same time we will send e-mails to our subscribers and place advertising (our special promotion team from 5 people will do it). We are planning exponential growth of active participants in first 8 days.There is no withdrawal commission. Earning of admins depends on your knowledge. Incorrect answers to questions - profit for admins.You have 40% profit from your deposit when it completed. Then you will have 3 questions (each with 4 variants of answers). Right answers for all questions will give you additional 60% of profit from your deposit.Our plans and limitations are well calculated and targeted for long life of project. So, we have to limit maximal value of all your active deposits.We have instant payments for you. So, you can withdraw your money in any moment.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that we do not promote or recommend any programs/projects/games listed here.
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