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Closed: Dec 07,2020 [38 days]
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Here's what it says on the website:

We offer bonuses for the total balance of the smart contract and the personal hold bonus with a growing percentage depending on the base income. Maximum possible yield: + 200% for each deposit By placing your funds in our smart contract, you will double your income. TRX smart contract reliability. Scam is impossible! Blockchain technology ensures complete security of funds. No one can steal them, or change the functions of the contract. Once a TRONY smart contract is placed on the TRX blockchain, it cannot be changed by an individual or an administrative body. Users can be sure that their funds are completely safe. We do not hide the code of our smart contract - anyone can check the honesty and decency of our platform. Our team has extensive experience in the development of smart contracts. Therefore, you can be sure that the TRONY robot will receive the most powerful advertising campaign on the Internet. Start investing We offer bonuses for the total balance of the smart contract and the personal hold bonus with a growing percentage depending on the base income. Maximum possible yield: + 200% for each deposit By placing your funds in our smart contract, you double your income. TRX smart contract reliability. Scam is impossible! Blockchain technology ensures complete security of funds. No one can steal them, or change the functions of the contract. contract Trony { using SafeMath for uint256; uint256 constant public INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT = 100 trx; uint256 constant public BASE_PERCENT = 20; uint256[] public REFERRAL_PERCENTS = [50, 20, 10]; uint256 constant public MARKETING_FEE = 90; uint256 constant public PROJECT_FEE = 30; uint256 constant public PERCENTS_DIVIDER = 1000; uint256 constant public CONTRACT_BALANCE_STEP = 1000000 trx; uint256 constant public TIME_STEP = 1 days; uint256 public totalUsers; uint256 public totalInvested; uint256 public totalWithdrawn; uint256 public totalDeposits; address payable public marketingAddress; address payable public projectAddress; address public defaultReferrer; struct Deposit { uint256 amount; uint256 withdrawn; uint256 start; struct User { Deposit[] deposits; uint256 checkpoint; address referrer; uint256 level1; uint256 level2; uint256 level3; uint256 bonus; uint256 withdrawRef; event Newbie(address user); event NewDeposit(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event Withdrawn(address indexed user, uint256 amount); event RefBonus(address indexed referrer, address indexed referral, uint256 indexed level, uint256 amount); event FeePayed(address indexed user, uint256 totalAmount); constructor(address payable marketingAddr, address payable projectAddr, address defaultRef) public { require(!isContract(marketingAddr) && !isContract(projectAddr)); marketingAddress = marketingAddr; projectAddress = projectAddr; defaultReferrer = defaultRef; function invest(address referrer) public payable { require(msg.value >= INVEST_MIN_AMOUNT); marketingAddress.transfer(msg.value.mul(MARKETING_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)); projectAddress.transfer(msg.value.mul(PROJECT_FEE).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)); emit FeePayed(msg.sender, msg.value.mul(MARKETING_FEE.add(PROJECT_FEE)).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)); if (user.referrer == address(0)) { if (users[referrer].deposits.length > 0 && referrer != msg.sender) { user.referrer = referrer; } else if (msg.sender != defaultReferrer) { user.referrer = defaultReferrer; address upline = user.referrer; for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (upline != address(0)) { if (i == 0) { users[upline].level1 = users[upline].level1.add(1); } else if (i == 1) { users[upline].level2 = users[upline].level2.add(1); } else if (i == 2) { users[upline].level3 = users[upline].level3.add(1); upline = users[upline].referrer; } else break; address upline = user.referrer; for (uint256 i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (upline != address(0)) { uint256 amount = msg.value.mul(REFERRAL_PERCENTS[i]).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER); users[upline].bonus = users[upline].bonus.add(amount); emit RefBonus(upline, msg.sender, i, amount); upline = users[upline].referrer; } else break; if (user.deposits.length == 0) { user.checkpoint = block.timestamp; totalUsers = totalUsers.add(1); emit Newbie(msg.sender); totalInvested = totalInvested.add(msg.value); totalDeposits = totalDeposits.add(1); uint256 newPercent = address(this).balance.div(CONTRACT_BALANCE_STEP); if (newPercent > contractBalancePercent && contractBalancePercent < 100) { if (newPercent > 100) { newPercent = 100; function withdraw() public { User storage user = users[msg.sender]; uint256 totalAmount; uint256 dividends; dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.deposits[i].start)) .div(TIME_STEP); dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.checkpoint)) .div(TIME_STEP); if (user.deposits[i].withdrawn.add(dividends) > user.deposits[i].amount.mul(2)) { dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(2)).sub(user.deposits[i].withdrawn); user.deposits[i].withdrawn = user.deposits[i].withdrawn.add(dividends); /// changing of storage data totalAmount = totalAmount.add(dividends); uint256 referralBonus = getUserReferralBonus(msg.sender); if (referralBonus > 0) { totalAmount = totalAmount.add(referralBonus); user.withdrawRef = user.withdrawRef.add(referralBonus); user.bonus = 0; uint256 contractBalance = address(this).balance; if (contractBalance < totalAmount) { totalAmount = contractBalance; function getContractBalance() public view returns (uint256) { return address(this).balance; function getContractBalanceRate() public view returns (uint256) { return BASE_PERCENT.add(getContractBonus()); function getContractBonus() public view returns (uint256) { return contractBalancePercent; function getUserHoldBonus(address userAddress) public view returns (uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; if (isActive(userAddress)) { uint256 holdBonus = (now.sub(user.checkpoint)).div(TIME_STEP); if (holdBonus > 80) { holdBonus = 80; return holdBonus; } else { return 0; function getUserPercentRate(address userAddress) public view returns (uint256) { return getContractBalanceRate().add(getUserHoldBonus(userAddress)); function getUserDividends(address userAddress) public view returns (uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; uint256 totalDividends; uint256 dividends; dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.deposits[i].start)) .div(TIME_STEP); dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(userPercentRate).div(PERCENTS_DIVIDER)) .mul(block.timestamp.sub(user.checkpoint)) .div(TIME_STEP); if (user.deposits[i].withdrawn.add(dividends) > user.deposits[i].amount.mul(2)) { dividends = (user.deposits[i].amount.mul(2)).sub(user.deposits[i].withdrawn); function getUserCheckpoint(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { return users[userAddress].checkpoint; function getUserReferrer(address userAddress) public view returns(address) { return users[userAddress].referrer; function getUserDownlineCount(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256) { return (users[userAddress].level1, users[userAddress].level2, users[userAddress].level3); function getUserReferralBonus(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { return users[userAddress].bonus; function getUserReferralWithdraw(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { return users[userAddress].withdrawRef; function getUserAvailableBalanceForWithdrawal(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { return getUserReferralBonus(userAddress).add(getUserDividends(userAddress)); function isActive(address userAddress) public view returns (bool) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; if (user.deposits.length > 0) { if (user.deposits[user.deposits.length-1].withdrawn < user.deposits[user.deposits.length-1].amount.mul(2)) { return true; function getUserDepositInfo(address userAddress, uint256 index) public view returns(uint256, uint256, uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; function getUserAmountOfDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { return users[userAddress].deposits.length; function getUserTotalDeposits(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; for (uint256 i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) { amount = amount.add(user.deposits[i].amount); function getUserTotalWithdrawn(address userAddress) public view returns(uint256) { User storage user = users[userAddress]; for (uint256 i = 0; i < user.deposits.length; i++) { amount = amount.add(user.deposits[i].withdrawn); function isContract(address addr) internal view returns (bool) { uint size; assembly { size := extcodesize(addr) } return size > 0; function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a, "SafeMath: addition overflow"); function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b <= a, "SafeMath: subtraction overflow"); uint256 c = a - b; function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { if (a == 0) { return 0; uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b, "SafeMath: multiplication overflow"); function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns (uint256) { require(b > 0, "SafeMath: division by zero"); uint256 c = a / b;.
Tronyblockchain technology ensures complete security56 constant public invest_min_amount =56 constant public contract_balance_step =user storage user = users[useraddress]storage data totalamount = totalamountuser storage user = users[msg56 constant public base_percent =56 constant public time_step =56 constant public percents_divider =view function function getusercheckpointpublic view returnspowerful advertising campaigngrowing percentage dependinginternal view returnsinternal pure returns= invest_min_amountsafemath: multiplication overflowsafemath: addition overflowsafemath: subtraction overflowreturn base_percentpersonal hold bonusreturn users[useraddress]smart contract reliabilityaddress indexed referralcontract_balance_stepupline = users[upline]trony smart contractbonus = users[upline]address indexed useraddress payable marketingaddraddress payable projectaddraddress indexed referreraddress upline = userinternal userspublic payableusers[useraddress]function investusers[upline]= users[upline]time_steptotalamount = totalamountaddress useraddresssmart contractsafemath: divisionusers[referrer]referral_percents[trony robotreturn addresspercents_dividertotal balancesmart contractsreturn contractbalancepercentreturn getcontractbalanceratereturn truereturn getuserreferralbonusaddress userbase incomeaddress defaultref56 newpercent = addressaddress addrtotalamount >function getusertotalwithdrawnfunction getuserpercentratefunction getuserdownlinecountfunction getuserreferrerfunction getuserreferralbonusfunction getcontractbalancefunction getuseravailablebalanceforwithdrawalfunction getuserreferralwithdrawfunction withdrawfunction getcontractbalanceratefunction getuseramountofdepositsfunction getuserdepositinfofunction getusertotaldepositsevent feepayedemit newdepositoffer bonusesextensive experienceevent refbonusproject_feeemit feepayedmarketing_feeadministrative bodyemit refbonuscompletely safeevent newbieevent newdeposit56 indexed leveladdress =>referrer == addressaddress referrerblockchainnewpercent >function isactivefunction getcontractbonusfunction getuserholdbonusfunction getuserdividendsstart investingmarketingaddress = marketingaddrwithdrawn = userfunction iscontractwithdrawref = userevent withdrawncontractbalancepercent <referrer = referrerdeposits[userfunction divfunction addfunction mulcontractbalancepercent &holdbonus >start >56 amount = msgpublicusersuint sizeamount = amountdeposits[index]length >withdrawn <useraddress56 totalamountcontractbalancereturnaddress= addressuplinefunctionusermarketingaddrprojectaddrbonus =bonus56 indexmsg= msg>referrermarketingaddressisactive56 holdbonus =getuserdividendsincomegetcontractbonusgetuserholdbonusstartamount56 amountwithdrawn<withdrawrefiscontractlength&depositsdeposits[leveldivaddmuluint

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Created :2020-10-14
Expires :2021-10-14
Updated :2020-10-25

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